Sunday, May 21, 2006

New CD, New Image

Today I was reading the Time cover story on the Dixie Chicks, which featured this particular photograph as one of the accompanying pictorials: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I was thinking "dang!" because in my brain full of mock magazine pieces for Clay Aiken's new album that was one of my concepts. Clay gets so much crap from "comedians" and "journalists" (and filth of the underworld that deserve no specifics other than being tabloid lies) that I thought it would be fitting. But maybe it's too cloyingly playing the victim though (see Kayne West's Jesus crown of thorns Rolling Stone cover). I'm actually kinda sick of the Dixie Chicks' whining already since I seem to encounter an article about them every where I turn. :P

So an alternative more proactive kind of image to project might be Clay with a hammer swinging away to shatter some stereotypical representation of him. That would be kind of hot actually. *Pauses for a moment to imagine the picture* But in any case I would like to see Clay plainatively call those media types on their ridiculous stereotyping and bullying him based on stereotype and thus refusing to listen to or play his music. He already started hitting back at "too cool" interviewers with razor-edge snark and blunt emotion in the articles that were published during last summer's tour, and I'd love to see him tackle the national press with that same attitude. It should be very clear that he's a grown man with real feelings who has paid his dues, won't let anyone take away his inner peace, and is determined to stay in the business because he loves performing.

I guess I'm a little worried about the "love songs" concept CD because I wonder if the label would try for a soft sell of Clay is a nice boy singing pretty songs just like Barry Manilow, and I'm not sure how a tougher, Clay as-an-adult image that I feel is necessary to develop fits with love songs. But there was the TV Guide article from last summer (that I did not love at the time but retroactively understand better) to set it up, so we'll see.

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Blogger feelingthejoy said...

One of the images I always picture of Clay for either a mag cover or a video is him holding the boombox from the TV Guide shoot (with the picture of his face in the box). Then Clay throwing the boombox against a wall or on the floor...smashing it. You know, smashing all those boxes that so many want to put him in. Heh, just one of my little fantasies *g*.

9:32 PM  
Blogger sw said...

Heh, I was thinking that a TV with a picture of him from AI2 on the inside might be a good one...

Magazine fantasies are fun. :)

9:35 PM  
Blogger Idle-wandering said...

I love these ideas. Since Clay has the same management as the Dixie Chicks, I hope his album promos are "in your face" as well. I love his snarky sense of humor, and his lack of tolerance for fools and idiots. I hope they do introduce the "real" Clay to the public in all his multifacted glory.

8:46 AM  
Blogger Ressa (ressamac on Twitter) said...

I like your idea of Clay shattering stereotypes about him. Sounds cool to me.

9:35 PM  
Blogger The ConCLAYve-Nan said...

I love the idea of shattering the stereotypes - however they decide to do it. I'm always amazed that the creative fans come up with such better ideas than those "professionals". And yeah, love songs scares me more than covers - but I'm thinking maybe he could do a remake of Elvis Costello's (written by Nick Lowe) "What's So Funny About Peace, Love and Understanding". Especially this: "So where are the strong?
And who are the trusted?
And where is the harmony?
Sweet harmony.

'Cause each time I feel it slippin' away, just makes me wanna cry.
What's so funny 'bout peace love & understanding? Ohhhh
What's so funny 'bout peace love & understanding? Ohhhh
What's so funny 'bout peace love & understanding?"

Does that qualify as a lonve song?

7:49 AM  

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